(click on any photo for an enlargement and details)

Horse Weathervane

Wood Charger

Painted Candle Stick

Pilgrim Era Grease Lamp

Rush Lamp with Candle Cup

Hanging Lantern

Ovoid Stoneware

Painted Storage Box

Painted Bowl

Signed Measure

Carved Bird

Hanging Candle Box

Framed Needlework

Hanging Salt Box

Bellarmine Jug

Blue Painted Candle Box

Burl Bowl

Trade Sign

Collection of Stoneware and Redware

Collection of Lighting

Primitive Corner Cupboard

Chippendale Cherry Chest

Painted Corner Cupboard

Painted Grain Bin

Painted Bucket Bench

Painted Mortar and Pestle

18th Century Table Salt

Large Charger

Wall Box with Spice Drawer

18th Century Wall Box

Buttonhole Band Bucket

Hummer Rooster Windmill Weight

Wood Candle Mold

Rocking Horse

Hanging Candle Box

Child's Desk

18th Century Saw Buck Table

Collection 1

Collection 2

Collection 3

Collection 4

Redware Storage Jars

Bench Made Windsor Arm Chair

Painted Trencher


Jelly Cupboard

Large Painted Cupboard

Burl Bowl

18th Century Bowl in Paint

Two Drawer Stand

Toy Trolley Car

Painted Dry Sink

Two Door Blue Cupboard

Carousel Horse Head

Stepback Cupboard

Maple High Chest

Clock Shelf

Sugar Maple Mold

Antique Corn Broom

Hearth Broom


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All text and photographs are the property of Griffiths Antiques
and may not be reproduced without written permission.
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